Bridget Poznanski, M.S.

Bridget Poznanski, M.S.

Asociado Senior

Biografía Personal

Bridget Poznanski, B.S. es estudiante de Ciencias Clínicas en el programa Ph.D. en la Universidad Internacional de Florida. Bridget completó una licenciatura en psicología en la Universidad de Fordham. Antes de FIU, Bridget era asistente de investigación para Joshua L. Brown, Ph.D. en la Universidad de Fordham y una consejera conductual en el Programa de Verano para Niños (SPK) de la Universidad de Nueva York para niños con trastornos de conducta disruptivos. También trabajó como coordinadora del programa para el Centro de Ansiedad Juvenil (YAC) del Hospital Presbiteriano de Nueva York en la Clínica de Ansiedad y Trastornos Relacionados de la Universidad de Columbia (CUCARD) bajo la tutoría de Anne Marie Albano, Ph.D.

Los intereses de investigación de Bridget se centran ampliamente en la entrega de intervenciones basadas en evidencia para niños pequeños con problemas de comportamiento de externalización e internalización, especialmente en el contexto de la transición de la escuela y el jardín de infantes. Más específicamente, Bridget está interesada en (1) capacitar a los maestros para aumentar su conocimiento y uso de las prácticas de manejo del comportamiento basadas en la evidencia en el aula, (2) la difusión de estrategias de manejo del comportamiento basadas en la evidencia en las aulas de educación temprana, (3 ) preparar a los niños en riesgo de problemas de conducta, y a sus familias, para la transición al jardín de infantes, especialmente en entornos comunitarios de escasos recursos, y (4) comprender los comportamientos de los padres en relación con la trayectoria de los problemas de ansiedad infantil.


Relevant Publications

Poznanski, B., Hart, K.C., & Cramer, L. (under review). Are teachers ready? Preservice teacher knowledge of classroom management and ADHD.

Poznanski,B., Cornacchio, D., Coxe, S., Pincus, D.B, McMakin, D., & Comer, J.S. (2017). The link between anxiety severity and irritability among anxious youth: Evaluating the mediating role of sleep problems. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 

Cornacchio, D., Bry, L., Poznanski, B., Sanchez, A.L. & Comer, J.S. (2017). Psychosocial treatment and prevention in early childhood conduct problems. In J.E. Lochman & W. Matthys (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Disruptive and Impulse-Control Disorders. Wiley Press.

Furr, J.M., Comer, J.S., Villodas, M.T., & Poznanski, B, & Gurwitch, R. (in press). Trauma and child psychology: From risk and resilience to evidence-based intervention. In J.L. Butcher, J. Hooley, & Kendall, P.C. (Eds.), The APA Handbook of Psychopathology.

Poznanski, B. (2016). Research to practice: Promoting successful transitions to kindergarten for children with behavior problems. Journal of Early Intervention, 1-3.

Hart, K. C. & Poznanski, B. (2016). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Risk for. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology.

Comer, J.S., Bry, L., Poznanski, B., & Golik, A. (2016). Children’s mental health in the context of terrorist attacks, ongoing threats, and possibilities of future terrorism. Current Psychiatry Reports.

Albano, A.M., & Poznanski, B. (under review). The treatment of anxiety in emerging adults. Cognitive and
Behavioral Practice.

Cheatham-Johnson, R., Poznanski, B., & Hart, K.C. (2015, September). Promoting family literacy and a positive home learning environment. Presented at the Children’s First Literacy Conference, Miami, FL.

Relevant Presentations/Posters

Poznanski, B., Feinberg, L., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2017, November). (Dis)cordance inparental accommodation across mothers and fathers of anxious youth. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Diego, CA.

Sanchez, A. L., Cornacchio, D., Poznanski, B., Golik, A., Chou, T. & Comer, J. S. (2017,November). The effectiveness of school-based mental health services delivered by school personnel: A meta analytic evaluation. To be presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.San Diego, CA.

Poznanski, B., Crawley, M., Egan, R., Fox, A., Graziano, P., & Hart, K.C. (2017, April). Preschool teacher knowledge and opinions about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Poster presented at the 2017 Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Austin, TX.

Poznanski, B., Crawley, M., Marichal, J., Graziano, P., & Hart., K.C. (2017, April). Engaging Hispanic/Latino parents in shared-book reading: Influences of a dialogic reading intervention on parent reading strategies and child engagement. Poster presented at the 2017 Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Austin, TX

Crawley, M., Poznanski, B., Hart, K.C., & Graziano, P.A. (2017, March). The relationship between parent education level and quality of shared book reading for preschool children with externalizing behavior problems. Poster presented at the 2017 Florida International University Undergraduate Research Conference, Miami, FL.

Poznanski, B., Cramer, E., & Hart, K. C. (2017, February). Preservice teacher knowledge and opinions about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and behavioral principles. Poster presented at the 2017 Miami International Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference, Miami, Florida.

Poznanski, B., Cornacchio, D., Pincus, D. B., Comer, J.S. (2016, October). Sleep mediates the relationship between anxiety and irritability among clinically anxious youth. Paper presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.

Albano, A. M., Poznanski, B., Bennett, S. M. (2016, October). When Anxiety Traps Emerging Adults and Their Parents: Developmentally-Informed CBT for the Failure to Launch. Mini Workshop presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.

Poznanski, B. & Hart, K. (2016, May). Preschool teacher knowledge and opinions of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the impact on ratings of child impairment. Presented at the South Florida Child Psychology Collaborative Research Conference, Miami FL.

Poznanski, B., Cheatham-Johnson, R.J., & Hart, K.C. (2016, September). Next Stop: Kindergarten! Preparing Students with Behavior and Learning Challenges for a Successful Transition. Presented at the Children’s First Literacy Conference, Miami, FL.

Cheatham-Johnson, R., Poznanski, B., Scaramutti, C., & Hart, K.C. (2016, September). Examination of Associations between Oral Reading Fluency and Inattention/Overactivity and Opposition/Defiant Symptoms in Young Children At-Risk for Learning and Behavior Disorders. Poster presented at the National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Biennial Meeting, Lawrence, KS.

Cheatham-Johnson, R., Poznanski, B., & Hart, K.C. (2015, September). Promoting family literacy and a positive home learning environment. Presented at the Children’s First Literacy Conference, Miami, FL.
