Christopher Georgiadis, M.S.

Christopher Georgiadis, M.S.

Asociado Senior

Biografía Personal

Christopher Georgiadis es estudiante de Ciencias Clínicas en el programa Ph.D. en la Universidad Internacional de Florida. Chris completó una Licenciatura en Artes (B.A.) en Psicología en la Universidad de Nueva York, con especialización en Estudios Mentales de Niños y Adolescentes. Antes de asistir a FIU, Chris trabajó como asistente de investigación para Glenn Saxe, M.D., en el Centro para el Estrés, el Trauma y la Resiliencia en el Centro de Estudio Infantil en NYU. Completó una asistencia de investigación post-bachillerato en el Centro de Investigación de Ansiedad Pediátrica (PARC) de la Universidad de Brown bajo la tutoría de Jennifer Freeman, Ph.D. Allí, coordinó un proyecto de investigación de mediadores de la respuesta al tratamiento en un programa de tratamiento intensivo para el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo infantil, y varios proyectos destinados a aumentar la calidad y la accesibilidad de la terapia de exposición para jóvenes con trastornos de ansiedad.

Chris está ampliamente interesado en investigar estrategias para mejorar la participación de la familia en las terapias basadas (EBT) para los trastornos de internalización de la infancia. Específicamente, está interesado en (1) desarrollar estrategias novedosas para equipar mejor a los proveedores en la personalización de los tratamientos a las preferencias, objetivos y prioridades únicas de las familias; (2) identificar estrategias para hacer que las terapias conductuales sean más aceptables para los padres y las familias (por ejemplo, mayor psicoeducación, herramientas en línea, etc.); y (3) investigar cómo la toma de decisiones compartida en la atención de la salud mental de los jóvenes sirve para mejorar los resultados de los jóvenes y la satisfacción con los servicios.



Peer-reviewed Publications: 

Georgiadis, C., Bose, D., Wolenski, R., Hong, N., Coxe, S., Pettit, J., Comer, J.S. (in press). How flexible are treatments for youth internalizing disorders? Examining modification guidelines included across supported treatments. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology.

Hong, N., Herrera, A., Furr, J.M., Georgiadis, C., Cristello, J., Heymann, P., Dale, C., Heflin, B., Silva, K., Conroy, K., Cornacchio, D., & Comer, J.S. (2022). Remote intensive group behavioral treatment (R-IGBT) for families of youth with selective mutism (SM). Evidence-based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 1-20.

Conroy, K., Salem, H., Georgiadis, C., Hong, N., Herrera, A., Furr, J. M., … & Comer, J. S. (2021). Gauging Perceptions and Attitudes About Student Anxiety and Supports Among School-Based Providers. School Mental Health, 1-17.

Comer, J. S., Furr, J. M., del Busto, C., Silva, K., Hong, N., Poznanski, B., Georgiadis, C., … & Puliafico, A. (2021). Therapist-led, internet-delivered treatment for early child social anxiety: A waitlist-controlled evaluation of the iCALM Telehealth Program. Behavior Therapy.

Benito, K. G., Herren, J., Freeman, J. B., Garcia, A. M., Block, P., Cantor, E., Georgiadis, C.,… & Machan, J. (2021). Improving delivery behaviors during exposure for pediatric OCD: A multiple baseline training trial with community therapists. Behavior Therapy, 52(4), 806-820.

Georgiadis, C., Peris, T. S., & Comer, J. S. (2020). Implementing strategic flexibility in the delivery of youth mental health care: A tailoring framework for thoughtful clinical practice. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 5(3), 215-232.

Georgiadis, C., Schreck, M., Gervasio, M., Kemp, J., Freeman, J., Garcia, A., & Case, B. (2020). Disgust propensity and sensitivity in childhood anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder: Two constructs differentially related to obsessional content. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 76, 102294.

Schreck, M., Georgiadis, C., Garcia, A., Benito, K., Case, B., Herren, J., … & Freeman, J. (2020). Core motivations of childhood obsessive-compulsive disorder: The role of harm avoidance and incompleteness. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-9.

Benito, K. G., Herren, J., Freeman, J. B., Garcia, A. M., Block, P., Cantor, E., Georgiadis C., … & Machan, J. (2020). Improving delivery behaviors during exposure for pediatric OCD: A multiple baseline training trial with community therapists. Behavior Therapy.

Freeman, J., Kemp J., Benito KG., Sung J., Georgiadis C., Arora A., Garcia A. (2018). Evidence base update for psychosocial treatments for pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 47(5), 669-698.

Posters & Presentations

Georgiadis, C., Bose, D., Wolenski, R., Hong, N., Coxe, S., Pettit, J., Comer, J.S. (November, 2022). How flexible are treatments for youth internalizing disorders? Examining modification guidelines included across supported treatments. In Georgiadis, C. (chair) Encouraging Responsiveness in the Clinical Context: The Value of Person-Centered Care Practices within Child and Adolescent Mental Healthcare. Symposium to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY. 

Georgiadis, C., Bry, L., Bagner, D.M., Comer, J.S. (November, 2020). Examining the link between caregiver perceptual barriers and perceived helpfulness of youth mental health treatment modalities. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.

Georgiadis, C., Bose, D., Wolenski, R., Hong, N., Pettit, J., Comer J.S. (November, 2020). Patient-centered responsiveness within evidence-based care for child internalizing problems: An empirical evaluation of treatment protocols. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.

Georgiadis C., Bry L., Bagner D., Comer J. (April, 2020) Moving beyond structural barriers: Considering perceptual barriers associated with negative parental attitudes about child mental health technologies. Presented at the Annual Research and Policy Conference on Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, Florida.

Georgiadis C., Sung J., Arora A., Kemp J., Freeman J., Garcia A., Case B. (April, 2018). Change in OCD Severity in a Sample of Youth with Comorbid Autism Spectrum Disorder in a Specialized OCD Program. Presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference. Washington D.C.

Georgiadis C., Kemp J., Arora A., Sung J., Freeman J., Garcia A., Case B. (November, 2017). Changes in Disgust Propensity and Sensitivity in Youth with Contamination-based Obsessions. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Child and Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group. San Diego, California. 

Georgiadis C., Schreck M., Kemp J., Freeman J., Garcia A. & Case B. (October, 2017). The Disgust Propensity and Sensitivity Scale-Revised: Psychometric Properties in a Sample of Youth with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Anxiety. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Washington D.C.

Georgiadis C., Jessani Z., Ramanathan A., Kemp J., Schreck M., Freeman J., Garcia A. & Case B. (April, 2017). Elevated Depression and Impairment in Youth with Sexual Obsessions. Presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference. San Francisco, California.

Taopo, J., Berzofsky, E. & Georgiadis, C. (March, 2022). Caregiver Accommodation is Predicted by Child Intolerance of Uncertainty and Anxiety-related Impairment. Presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference. Denver, Colorado.

Sung J., Georgiadis C., Arora A., Kemp J., Freeman J., Garcia A., & Case B. (April, 2018). What does parent-child disagreement tell us about impairment and parental accommodation? Presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference. Washington D.C

Arora A., Georgiadis C., Sung J., Kemp J., Freeman J., Garcia A., & Case B. (April, 2018). Assessing the Relationship Between Parental Quality of Life Ratings and Family Accommodation in an OCD Partial Hospitalization Setting. Presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference. Washington D.C.

Drljaca A., Georgiadis C., Kemp J., Freeman J., Arora A., Sung J., Benito K., Garcia A. & Case B. (April, 2018). Relationship Between Family Accommodation and Family Functional Impairment in Youth with Severe OCD and Anxiety. Presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference. Washington D.C.

Ramanathan A., Kemp J., Schreck M., Georgiadis C., Jessani Z., Freeman J., Garcia A. & Case B. (April, 2017). Assessing Parent Accommodation and Symptom Reduction in an OCD Partial Hospitalization Setting. Presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference. San Francisco, California.

Conelea, C., McLaughlin, N., Benito, K. Georgiadis, C., Blanchette, B., Freeman, J., Case, B., & Garcia, A. (May, 2017). Response Inhibition in Youth Undergoing Intensive Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry. San Diego, CA.

Jessani Z., McLaughlin, N., Georgiadis, C., Kemp, J., Schreck, M., Ramanathan, A., Freeman, J., Garcia, A. & Case, B. (July, 2017). Differences in Executive Functioning in Pediatric OCD Based on Symptom Dimensions. Presented at the 24th annual meeting of the International OCD Foundation. San Francisco, CA.
