Dr. Jami Furr is a Clinical Associate Professor and Senior Psychologist in the Mental health Interventions and Novel Therapeutics (MINT) Program, and Developer of the Selective Mutism Program at Florida International University Center for Children and Families. She is the Past-President of the Selective Mutism Association and has served on their Board of Directors for the last 6 years. Dr. Furr has extensive clinical expertise and research interests in cognitive and behavioral treatments of childhood anxiety and disruptive behavior disorders, with a particular focus on preschool mental health. She supervises weekly and intensive treatment programs for children with early anxiety problems, and continues to oversee specialty programs for youth with selective mutism or other anxiety-related problems. Dr. Furr serves as a Trainer for our “Network for Enhancing Wellness in Disaster-Affected Youth (NEW DAY)” Program, a part of the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Admin (SAMHSA) and National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative. In addition, she serves as Trainer and Clinical Supervisor for the a Donor-funded Clinical Program, “Virtual House Calls for Families in Need: The Free Family Telehealth Program.” Dr. Furr fostered the first randomized controlled trial on an intensive group behavioral treatment for youth with selective mutism, published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Her selective mutism program has been featured in the media, including The New York Times. In 2019, Dr. Furr was the recipient of the Anne Marie Albano Early Career Award for the Integration of Science and Practice from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) and the Florida International University College of Arts, Sciences, and Education Award for Research.
Dr. Furr received her B.A. from Trinity University, and went on to receive her M.A. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with a Concentration in Developmental Psychopathology from Temple University. Dr. Furr completed her clinical psychology internship training in the Child and Adolescent Track of the NYU-Bellevue Clinical Psychology Internship Program and the NYU Child Study Center, after which we completed an NIH-funded Postdoctoral Fellowship in Child Psychiatry at the NYU Child Study Center in the Institute for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity and Behavior Disorders. Prior to joining Florida International University, Dr. Furr served as Clinical Director of the Child Program of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CARD) of Boston University.
Please note: Dr. Furr does not accept graduate students.
Furr, J.M., Cornacchio, D., Hong, N., del Busto, C., Herrera, A., Lorenzo, N., Kurtz, S.M.S., & Comer, J.S. (In Press) Intensive Group Behavioral Treatment for Children with Selective Mutism: The Brave Bunch Program Manual. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
Hong, N., Herrera, A., Furr, J.M., Georgiadis, C., Cristello, J., Heymann, P., Dale, C., Heflin, B., Silva, K., Conroy K., Cornacchio, D., & Comer, J.S. (2022). Remote Intensive Group Behavioral Treatment for Families of Children with Selective Mutism. Evidence-based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. DOI: 10.1080/23794925.2022.2062688
Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., del Busto, C., Silva, K., Hong, N., Poznanski, B., Sanchez, A.L., Cornacchio, D., Herrera, A., Coxe, S., Miguel, E., Georgiadis, C., Conroy, K., & Puliafico, A.C. (2021). Therapist-led, internet-delivered treatment for early child social anxiety: A waitlist-controlled evaluation of the iCALM Telehealth Program. Behavior Therapy, 52, 1171-1187. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beth.2021.01.004
Conroy, K., Salem, H., Georgiadis, C., Hong, N., Herrera, A., Furr, J.M., Green, J.G., & Comer, J.S. (2021). Gauging perceptions and attitudes about student anxiety and supports among school mental health providers. School Mental Health. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12310-021-09470-6
Lorenzo, N.E., Cornacchio, D., Chou, T., Kurtz, S.M.S., Furr, J.M., & Comer, J.S. (2020). Expanding treatment options for children with Selective Mutism: Rationale, principles, and procedures for an Intensive Group Behavioral Treatment (IGBT). Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpra.2020.06.002
Fleming, G.E., Kimonis, E.R., Furr, J.M., & Comer, J.S. (2020). Internet-delivered parent training for preschoolers with conduct problems: Do callous-unemotional traits moderate efficacy and engagement? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,48, 1169-1182. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-020-00660-5
Cornacchio, D., Furr, J.M., Sanchez, A.L., Hong, N., Feinberg, L., Tenenbaum, R., Del Busto, C., Bry, L.J., Poznanski, B., Miguel, E., Ollendick T., Kurtz, S.M.S., & Comer, J.S. (2019). Intensive group behavioral treatment (IGBT) for children with selective mutism: A preliminary randomized controlled trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87, 720-733. doi: 10.1037/ccp0000422.
Kovac, L. M., & Furr, J. M. (2019). What teachers should know about selective mutism in early childhood. Early Childhood Education Journal, 47(1), 107-114.
Carpenter, A.E., Pincus, D.B., Furr, J.M., & Comer, J.S. (2018). Working from home: An initial pilot examination of videoconferencing-based cognitive behavioral therapy for anxious youth delivered to the home setting. Behavior Therapy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beth.2018.01.007.
Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Miguel, E., Cooper-Vince, C.E., Carpenter, A.L., Elkins, R.M., Kerns, C., Cornacchio, D., Chou, T., Coxe, S., DeSerisy, M., Sanchez, A.L, Golik, A., Martin, J., Myers, K., & Chase, R. (2017). Remotely delivering real-time parent training to the home: An initial randomized trial of Internet-delivered Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (I-PCIT). Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 85(9), 909-917. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/ccp0000230.
Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Kerns, C.E., Miguel, E., Coxe, S., Elkins, R.M., Carpenter, A.L., Cornacchio, D., Cooper-Vince, C.E., DeSerisy, M., Chou, T., Sanchez, A.L., Khanna, M., Franklin, M.E., Garcia, A.M., & Freeman, J.B. (2017). Internet-delivered, family-based treatment for early-onset OCD: A pilot randomized trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 85, 178-186.
Cooper-Vince, C., Chou, T., Furr, J.M., & Comer, J.S. (2016). Videoteleconferencing early child anxiety treatment: A case study of the Internet-delivered CALM (I-CALM) Program. Evidence-based practice in child and adolescent mental health, 1(1), 24-39. DOI: 10.1080/23794925.2016.1191976
Furr, J.M., Comer, J.S., Edmunds, J., & Kendall, P.C. (2010). Disasters and youth: A meta-analytic examination of posttraumatic stress. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78, 765-780.